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Part II: Feng Shui and Better Paths

Quality and Movement of Qi – September 18, 2016

→ Form – Real Visible Effect, Concrete - October 31, 2016

Perception and Cognition

This blog is a continuation of last month’s article. The goal is to show that many do’s and dont’s of Feng Shui are not applied in the same way or do not apply to every situation. This long list of rules are not so mysterious once a basic understanding of Feng Shui is learned.

In last month's article entitled, Feng Shui and Best Paths: Part I, the focus was on the Quality and Movement of Qi (click here to see blog). This information is the beginning of understanding how there can be two houses in similar locations and situations with different results in terms of Feng Shui.

After analyzing the kind of Qi in and around a building or house, we need to include an understanding of Form in Feng Shui. When talking about form, it usually means the physical shape. We look at something and see its shape – it’s visible (concrete) to us. In classical Feng Shui, and in a simplified manner, shape is another way of defining positive and negative aspects of energy. There are five basic shapes: round, square, rectangular, triangle or asymmetrical.

Taking the idea to the next level, we are actually talking about how the energy changes or moves – transforms around the shape of an object. The flow of energy around objects is invisible but we can see or feel the results of this. And it is the effect of this energy on us that Feng Shui Masters classified so long ago.

When we combine Quality and Movement of Qi with Form, we have the basis of why something is good or bad Feng Shui. We start to see WHY that long list of do’s and dont’s came to be.

Now take a look around your home, inside and out; or walk through your neighborhood and see if you can recognize how the shape of buildings and objects have an effect on the Quality and Movement of Qi.

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