How to Invite Wealth into Your Home

Forecasts about Brazil’s economy in 2016 indicate a year at least as challenging as, if not more than 2015. And even if you do not live in Brazil, these suggestions never hurt. Remember, Feng Shui is used for creating the best possible balance of energy in your environment, i.e., your home or workplace. In order to take full advantage of this art, be sure that you do your part to develop good habits and attitudes. First, you should have a plan that helps you spend within your financial limits. If you are looking for a spreadsheet to help with expense control, click here; or you can google other key words like, “household finances” or “family budget” for more options. Other steps you can take:
Leave the car in the garage when possible: use public transport; or in addition to saving money, you can help the earth and your health by cycling or walking to your destination;
Look to see if there are places to cut costs: wash your car at home; bathe/grooming your pets yourself; instead of going to the manicurist, do your own nails or do them with a friend; and of course, cut down on eating out and ordering in for meals;
Look for new cell phones and internet plans regularly to reduce costs;
Develop your hobby into a second income: maybe the whole family can get involved;
Look for free on-campus or online courses.
In addition to these changes, you need to take care of things around the home so that you can maximize positive energies. One of the first things you can do is clean and clear up space. More open space, improves the chances of new energy entering and moving around inside the house. Clutter stops energy flow and creates negative energy.

Opening up space may very well mean it is time to throw stuff out and organize clutter. Many times, we keep clothes and objects long after their usefulness has passed. And it may be that the space they are taking up is holding us back from updating and moving forward. In other words, being organized, you gain time and "time is money". In the short and long terms we are able to use our time better and this can only attract more wealth, whether it is material, or in terms of physical, emotional, and spiritual health. So take the time now to find the best way to organize your home. The Internet is full of suggestions. Also, take time to revitalize your wardrobe and for an additional positive effect, donate it all.

You should also have your own quiet space where you can do those things that bring you peace and tranquility such as meditating, reading a book, or listening or playing music. Size does not matter, but you should enjoy the space. Decorate it with significant items for you (photos, works, drawings, and statues), objects of wealth, and good activators of positive energy, like plants.

At this point, it is time to apply Feng Shui. If you do not know how, look for a consultant in your area. Be prepared to tell him or her what your objectives are, such as improve your health, create prosperity, or have better relationships with family members and/or friends. If you want to try yourself, you can study the two schools of basic form through books or the internet, and then more fully through courses and lectures. One suggestion is to start with Ba Zhai Feng Shui because it goes with the suggestions mentioned above.
With this school, the house is divided into eight sections of 45°: four positive energy areas and four negative energy areas according to each person. Complete Ba Zhai Feng Shui goes well beyond this but you will be on your way to inviting good energies into your home.